Physics and Photography - Ηλίας Σιτσανλής
PhET Interactive Science Simulations - University of Colorado
Physics and Chemistry by Clear Learning - PCCL
JavaLab - Science simulations
Java Applets on Physics - Walter Fendt
General Physics Java Applets - B. Surendranath Reddy
oPhysics - Interactive Physics Simulations
Μικροεφαρμογές ηλεκτρονικής - Α. Μαρμαρινός
CircuitLab - Mike Robbins, Humberto Evans
Virtual Oscilloscope - Peter Debik (Technical University Berlin)
Math and Physics Applets - Paul Falstad
Schoolphysics - Keith Gibbs
Periodic Table of the Elements I - Yinon Bentor
Periodic Table of the Elements II - Michael Dayah
Elemental Spectra - University of Oregon
Atomic and Molecular Orbitals - University of Sheffield
About.com Chemistry - Anne Marie Helmenstine
Learn Genetics - University of Utah
Προσομοίωση χρήσης Mικροσκοπίου - University of Delaware
Bioman - Biology
Ecology Lab - learner.org
eSkeletons - University of Texas at Austin
Winogradsky Column: Microbial Ecology in a Bottle - biointeractive.org
Biology Virtual Labs - Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Earth Space Lab - Vaclav Cernik
Map Collection - David Rumsey

Π. Κουμαράς & Θ. Πιερράτος - ΕΚΦΕ Ευόσμου (Φυσική - Χημεία - Βιολογία)
ScienceTube - Μιχάλης Ορφανάκης (Φυσική)
ScienceFix.com - Darren Fix (Φυσική)
Eureka Physics (Φυσική)
Sixty Symbols - University of Nottingham (Φυσική)
Minute Physics - Henry Reich (Φυσική)
LiveChem - Oliver Adcock (Χημεία)
The Periodic Table of Videos - University of Nottingham (Χημεία)
100+ Experiments in Chemistry - University of Tartu (Χημεία)
CELLS alive - Jim Sullivan (Βιολογία)